On Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 the West Lebanon Revitalization Advisory Committee is hosting a Block Party at Kilton Library to provide the community with an update on exciting progress underway in West Leb.
The event will be held in the rear yard and parking area at Kilton from 12pm to 2pm, with remarks from City officials expected at 12:30.
There will be food trucks, a photo exhibit documenting West Lebanon’s history and future opportunities, and a celebration of the demolition of the former Westboro Rail Yard buildings.
Stay tuned for more information.
Westboro yard demolition
The City, together with members of the community, has been working with the NH Department of Transportation to regain the railyard land bordering the Connecticut River and reclaim West Lebanon’s Waterfront for community use– allowing the small remaining rail function and industrial uses to co-exist with a new waterfront park and a riverside trail. The first step in accomplishing this is the safe remediation and demolition of the abandoned and derelict Roundhouse, Sandhouse and Bunkhouse buildings. Thanks to the efforts of the City of Lebanon and our Representatives in Concord, money was appropriated in the 2020 State budget for this demolition to occur and the dilapidated railyard buildings will be taken down by the end of November, 2021!
Once the buildings come down, the next step is for the City of Lebanon to lease Westboro Yard from the NHDOT. This lease area will enable the long-planned Westboro Park, and now includes the entirety of the Connecticut River Waterfront trail corridor from South Main Street to Bridge Street. Lease negotiations between the City and State continue, and once complete the City will finally be able to proceed with the Westboro re-use plans as first documented back in 2004. The goal is a waterfront park and riverside trail that will connect the community to the riverfront, and facilitate the connection to other green spaces.
West Lebanon Greenway
Since the 1990s, there has been an effort to create a “String of Pearls” trail connecting Lebanon’s many parks and outdoor spaces with trail networks and outdoor resources in the Upper Valley. The success of the Mascoma River Greenway (www.mascomagreenway.com) is proof of the community interest in the project, and the transformative impact of re-utilizing these corridors for recreation and transit purposes.
The “West Lebanon Greenway” is envisioned to connect from the current terminus of the Mascoma River Greenway to the Boston Lot Recreation Area, via Ironhorse, downtown West Lebanon, Westboro Park, River Park West Lebanon, and the Wilder Dam. There are also numerous opportunities for future connections to existing and proposed trails to the West and North. A growing coalition of local, regional, state, and federal stakeholders is working to advance these plans, with the National Park Service joining in October, 2021 to help facilitate the trail through their Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program.