West Leb
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 West Leb revitalization Efforts


advocating for the ongoing revitalization of downtown west leb

This website was created as a centralized location for information and discussion surrounding the ongoing revitalization of downtown West Lebanon, NH.

  1. Keep the Community informed and make available as much information as possible about Past, Present, and Future revitalization efforts.

  2. Stimulate conversation and collaboration among residents and businesses who seek improvements in the downtown.

  3. Provide opportunities for anyone to get involved, at whatever level they’re able to. Whether you want to become a contributor and post articles, comment on a Facebook post, or join the City Committee– we’re trying to make it easy to get involved and have your voice heard.

This site is not affiliated with the City of Lebanon, learn more.

join the conversation


 West Lebanon greenway

mrg trail copy.jpg
Click to view a 1-page overview of the West Lebanon Greenway

Click to view a 1-page overview of the West Lebanon Greenway

A regional trail Connecting From the mascoma river greenway to boston lot

Explore the ArcGIS story-map for a step-by-step tour of the proposed West Leb Greenway map.

Explore the ArcGIS story-map for a step-by-step tour of the proposed West Leb Greenway map.

For over 20 years there has been talk in Lebanon of creating a waterfront trail alongside the Connecticut River. The West Lebanon Greenway will:

  • Connect the Mascoma River Greenway to downtown West Leb to bring pedestrian activity.

  • Draw users north along the riverfront, passing through Westboro Yard and River Park.

  • Link up with the existing trail network at Boston Lot Lake and the Landmark parcel.


Transforming the Westboro WATERFRONT to a public park


Reclaiming the West Leb Waterfront

Explore the ArcGIS story-map for an interactive look at potential re-uses of the Westboro Yard parcel.

Explore the ArcGIS story-map for an interactive look at potential re-uses of the Westboro Yard parcel.

Decades of study surrounding the future use of the Westboro Rail Yard parcel has culminated in the current proposal for the City of Lebanon to take control of the West Lebanon waterfront through a 99-year lease from the State of New Hampshire– who has owned the parcel since the 1970s.

The first step is the safe demolition and removal of the dilapidated structures currently on the site. Last year, working with the City, Lebanon’s Representatives in Concord secured an appropriation in New Hampshire’s 2021 budget for this purpose. Despite that success, the Governor froze appropriations in the 2021 budget because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to City leadership and representatives, Executive Councilor Joe Kenney, and the NHDOT that funding was un-frozen.

We are excited to see this long-planned project moving forwards.

Past Studies:


The Historic Context for
the future of west lebanon


A historic village

lebanon historical society

Explore the Historical Society’s website for more information on our the history of our village.

a commercial crossroads, Ready for the next era

West Leb has had multiple eras, from its original people, to early European settlers, to the rise of the Mills and the the Railroad. Although the Upper Valley region has changed dramatically, downtown West Lebanon’s evolution has been stalled since the departure of the railroad.

As we set a path forwards, it’s important that we incorporate an understanding of West Lebanon’s rich history. This is about the re-vitalization of West Leb, building upon the great small businesses and neighborhoods that exist here today and seeking inspiration from those who came before us.

It’s time for the next vibrant era for West Lebanon. One that re-connects our downtown to the riverfront, stimulates new economic activity, and strengthens the cultural fabric of our downtown. It’s always a delicate balancing act to protect what makes the town special while making the necessary changes for the future.

As our regional economy continues to change and evolve, what does the next chapter of West Lebanon look like? How do we overcome known bottlenecks such as transportation? Make smart land-use decisions for the re-use of the waterfront? Balance supporting existing businesses and citizens while also stimulating the necessary commercial and residential growth to meet the needs of the future?




West leb committee

The City of Lebanon’s advisory committee for revitalizing West Leb.

Business resources

Resources for property owners, citizens, and interested parties.

best practices

The Westleb.org blog for discussing best practices to revitalize our village.


 wilder dam relicensing

an opportunity for environmental, economic, and recreational improvements


dam owner:

Great river hydro

Great River Hydro owns 8 hydroelectric facilities along the Connecticut and Wilder Dam in West Leb is currently under FERC relicensing.

connecticut river conservancy

The CRC maintains the beauty of the Connecticut with initiatives like trash remediation, recreation improvements, and water quality tests to keep riverside facilities in check.


renewable energy for west leb

With the current FERC relicensing proceedings we have the opportunity to buy back power to use here in West Leb.


 welcome to West leb


Envisioning A Vibrant Downtown, Connected To The Rivers By Trails
